February was a month spent on the freeway looking for locations for a new series I'm writing, we just had to get out there and drive.... so Kev, me and the trusty Ratmobile hit the road yeahhhhh!!! We drove east to Arizona and Phoenix, down to Tucson, El Paso, across to White Sands New Mexico which was stunning!
Continually on the search for something fascinatin' to film, we always recce first then film later after a schedule has been put together.
We met aliens in Roswell New Mexico, visited the UFO Museum there and sounded out the locals for filmin'!
Continually on the search for something fascinatin' to film, we always recce first then film later after a schedule has been put together.

Drove to Alberquerque and then down to Lake Havasu back in Arizona to check out the LONDON BRIDGE which was exported brick by brick from the UK. They thought they'd bought TOWER BRIDGE and were a little disappointed when it was built that it wasn't what they thought they had purchased! lt was just a borin' old bridge from England...hilarious in my book! All the area around the bridge is like London complete with phone boxes with their doors off, not workin' and shops closed due to the recession!
Back in the Ratcave in L.A. we can now assess what areas to shoot and what not.